This group of pages contains a number of different demand forecasts and outturns each of which consider the overall demand for electricity generation within the system in a
slightly different manner.
Note that Station Transformer Load is currently an average value of 500MW in summer (BST) and 600MW in winter (GMT). These fixed values are kept under review (typically annually) so may be subject to change.
The INDO section allows the user to view the initial demand outturn data. The Initial National Demand Out-Turn is the average megawatt
value of demand for a Settlement Period INCLUDING transmission losses but EXCLUDING station transformer load, pumped storage demand and interconnector demand.
INDO and NDF are comparable.
The NDF section allows the user to view the initial demand outturn data. The System Operator National Demand Forecast is based on
historically metered generation output for Great Britain. This value INCLUDES transmission losses, but EXCLUDES Interconnector flows and demand from station transformers
and pumped storage units. INDO and NDF are comparable.
The DF section allows the user to view the initial demand outturn data for non-national demand data across boundaries.
The ITSDO section allows the user to view initial transmission system demand outturn values. The Initial Transmission System Demand Out-Turn
is the average megawatt value of demand for a Settlement Period INCLUDING transmission losses, station transformer load, pumped storage demand and interconnector demand.
ITSDO and TSDF are comparable.
The TSDF section allows the user to view initial transmission system demand outturn values. This value INCLUDES Interconnector flows and
demand from station transformers and pumped storage units.
ITSDO and TSDF are comparable.
The INDDEM section allows the user to view indicated demand values. The Indicated Demand forecast for each period is the sum of all the
PNs submitted for BM Units which are forecast to be importing energy, presented as a single average MW level for the Settlement Period.
This summary information or data is indicative data only and is derived from balancing mechanism reporting service data (which is copyrighted by ELEXON Ltd who makes it available without warranty).