Great Britain >



This page is the root page for the part of the site used primarily by developers to "get under the hood" of the system to access the data held in the NETA Reports web-service, but this also offer a useful means to automatically import data into Excel or into a database. The data in the database that is the back end of the web-service can be access using the XML-REST protocol. By using the web-service capabilities of www.netareports.com you may seemlessly integrate all the metering, settlement and balancing mechanism data into your own applications with little pain.

The 'Services' documents the parameters required to build up XML calls for data of interest, explaining how to setup a link to return the required data. The 'Import Into Excel' tab also gives an explanation of how to import data into Excel using XML-REST Services.

This approach is suitable for both importing into excel and a database without any manual interaction and support in using this interface can be provided by phoning 01642 671111 or by emailing support@enappsys.com.