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Importing from XML into Excel


XML files are a very useful way of importing data into Excel. The best way to do this is to use a SAXParser since this does not import all the data and hence works better with large data files. Instead the file is opened much as with a browser and then read by excel code that must be customised by the user.

The rest of this page explains how this process works with a step by step method. We can also provide support on this feature as it makes data access much easier than might otherwise be the case.

An excel file based upon this tutorial can be downloaded from the following link. To use this excel version you only need to change the strUsername = "myuser" and strPassword = "mypass" entries in the VBA code.

How To Import

In a new Excel file press Alt-F11 to open the VBA environment. Then go to Tools > References and tick 'Microsoft XML, v6.0' (on some versions including some of the most recent Excel versions you may need v3.0 instead). This will allow access to functionality that will allow for imports into Excel from XML sources.

We now need to setup the excel file so create a new module (right click Microsoft Excel Objects and select Insert > Module). Then we need to enter the following text

Sub xmlDataDownload()

Dim saxReader As SAXXMLReader60 'This is the object used to parse XML files

Dim saxHandler As ContentHandlerData 'This is the file we will create that will tell the system how to parse the data

Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim strUsername As String

Dim strPassword As String

Dim i As Date

Dim strXMLDate As String

Dim strURL As String

Set saxReader = New SAXXMLReader60

Set saxHandler = New ContentHandlerData

Set saxReader.contentHandler = saxHandler

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual


ws.Cells(1,7) = 2


For i = DateSerial(2015,05,01) To DateSerial(2015,05,02)

strXMLDate = Format(i, "yyyymmdd")


saxReader.parseURL strURL

Next i

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

End Sub

The URL must be filled in but otherwise this is the basic structure used to parse the URL. It is best to open the XML in a web browser and then you know the link is right and can understand the structure.

To get such a link go to Backend > Services > realtime > Fuel Mix. This offers you a URL 'https://www.netareports.com/dataService?rt=realtime&username=auser&password=apasswd&message=BMRS.FUELHH&querytype=data&sd=20100401' from which you merely need to replace the username and set it up to update the date. This would look as follows:

strURL = "https://www.netareports.com/dataService?rt=realtime&username=" & strUsername & "&password=" & strPassword & "&message=BMRS.FUELHH&querytype=data&sd=" & strXMLDate

Now we just need to define "strUsername = myUsername" and "strPassword = myPasword"; place this code somewhere near the top of the module putting in your username and password as appropriate. Finally we must write the script to navigate through the XML file.

To do this we must create a new Class Module much like creating a module, but selecting 'Class Module' instead (right click Microsoft Excel Objects and select Insert > Class Module). Then in the properties box select the '(Name)' entry and rename the class module 'ContentHandlerData'.

On the first line of the class module type:

Implements IVBSAXContentHandler

Press enter and then you can select the dropdown above that says '(General)' and select IVBSAXContentHandler (if this option does not appear be sure you have ticked 'Microsoft XML, v6.0' under Tools > References). Once selected you can select all the items on the right dropdown at the top and this will setup all the methods. If you have trouble here feel fee to get in touch and we can guide you through.

At the very top of the class module just below the 'Implements...' paste in the following:

Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim strDate As String, strSP As String, strValue As String

Dim i As Long

By this point you will have methods and the next step will be to replace the 'Private Sub IVBSAXContentHandler_endDocument()' method with:

Private Sub IVBSAXContentHandler_endDocument()

ws.Cells(1, 7) = i 'This will keep track of your row as you change date

End Sub

Finally the 'IVBSAXContentHandler_startElement' method must be updated to handle the import. The following will look roughly like the code you must use within this method, but must be adapted to the specific XML:

Private Sub IVBSAXContentHandler_startElement(strNamespaceURI As String, strLocalName As String, strQName As String, ByVal oAttributes As MSXML2.IVBSAXAttributes)

If strQName = "response" Then 'When we hit the response tag at the top

Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1") 'We now have access to the sheet

ws.Cells(1, 1) = "Date"

ws.Cells(1, 2) = "Settlement Period"

ws.Cells(1, 3) = "Value" 'Change these to what you want as headers

i = ws.Cells(1, 7) 'Get latest row number (needed when doing more than one date)

ElseIf strQName = "hhfuelmix" Then 'Or whatever the tag we are processing has as its name

strDate = oAttributes.getValueFromQName("settlementdate") 'Gets the entry settlementdate="2015-12-01 T12:00:00"

strSP = oAttributes.getValueFromQName("settlementperiod") 'Gets the entry settlementperiod="1"

strValue = oAttributes.getValueFromQName("generation") 'Gets the entry generation="6.5"

ws.Cells(i,1) = strDate

ws.Cells(i,2) = strSP

ws.Cells(i,3) = strValue


End If

End Sub

This section is typically easiest to fill in while stepping through a run as you can see what is happening and see a failure as it happens if you have made a mistake, but for now this tutorial should guide you through setting up a first downloader.

Note that this approach has a weakness if a tag is missing (say if settlementperiod=x was missing). This can generally be ignored (as in this case where our data will not let us down), but for future reference would look as follows:

blnHasSPTag = False

For i = 0 To oAttributes.Length -1

strIthName = oAttributes.getQName(i)

If strIthName = "settlementperiod" Then blnHasSPTag = True

Next i

If blnHasSPTag = True Then

strSP = oAttributes.getValueFromQName("settlementperiod") 'Gets the entry settlementperiod="1"

ws.Cells(i,2) = strSP

End If

For now we can ignore this code and start to step through. If you have two screens it is best to have excel and the XML in a browser on one screen (switch between as you go) and the VBA code in the other (perhaps print these instructions out first).

When you run through it is best to run through by pressing F8 repeatedly to step through and then you can see what is going on by placing the mouse over any completed object assignments.

We can start this off by going back to our module, clicking between 'Sub xmlDataDownload()' and 'End Sub' and hitting F8. A yellow highlighted band will appear and as we continue to hit F8 this band will step through our method.

Once down to 'strXMLDate = Format(i, "yyyymmdd")' you can put your mouse over the variable i to see that it shows the data '01/05/2015' and after 'strURL = ....' we can check to see that our XML link is fully formed.

If all steps have been carried out properly we should move into the class module and start stepping through that code. As we go through here we will pick up the data from the XML and start building up the data table in the excel sheet.

Don't forget that as you run placing the mouse over strURL on 'saxReader.parseURL strURL' as it is highlighted will give you the exact link you are going to try and download. This link can be pasted into a browser and then you can see the data you are importing.

If all goes right data should be imported. The process takes a bit of getting used to but once learnt can be setup in a matter of minutes to import data using the above approach.

To start with it will be best to modify parts of the code, but in time once a few runs have been compeleted it should become easy to setup new XML imports.

The next step would be to split up the fuel type imports replacing 'ws.Cells(1,3) = "Value"' with 'ws.Cells(1,3) = "CCGT"' and 'ws.Cells(1,4) = "OCGT"' and then getting the fuel type using 'strFuel = oAttributes.getValueFromQName("fueltype")'.

The import can then be better managed by replacing 'ws.Cells(i,1) = strDate' to 'i = i+1' with the following:

If strFuel = "CCGT" Then

ws.Cells(i, 1) = strDate

ws.Cells(i, 2) = strSP

ws.Cells(i, 3) = strValue

ElseIf strFuel = "OCGT" Then

ws.Cells(i, 4) = strValue

i = i + 1

End If

Once this is importing CCGT and OCGT data in two columns, this can then be extended out to handle all the different fuel types avaialable to download.

Having set this up you should be set to start experimenting with more XML calls and will soon be able to get all your excel models automatically importing the data you need without having to copy and paste new data in.


If you need any support phone us on 01642 671111 or email us with any questions.