Great Britain >

Balancing Mechanism Data

This page is the base page for the BMRS data section of the web site. From this page you will be able to navigate to sections which show you the balancing mechanism reporting service data the website receives and places in the database.

The Balancing Mechanism pages show data relating to the balancing mechanism. The balancing mechanism works such that after gate closure National Grid is able to adjust the output of units within the parameters set by units dynamic data and based upon the prices submitted by each generating unit.

The Balancing Services pages show data relating to balancing services, which currently includes DISBSAD and non-BM STOR volumes.

The Demand pages shows a range of different demand outturns and forecasts.

The Forecasts pages show 2-14 day and 2-52 week forecasts for demand, generation, surplus and UOU (availability) data.

The Frequency pages show transmission system frequency data.

The Fuel Mix pages show fuel mix data from operational metering and also shows indicated output for embedded solar and wind based upon latest National Grid forecasts.

The Generation pages show indicated generation data. The Indicated Generation forecast for each period is the sum of all the PNs submitted for BM Units which are forecast to be exporting energy, presented as a single average MW level for the Settlement Period.

The Imbalance pages show indicated imbalance data. The Indicated Imbalance forecast for each period is the difference between the sum of the PNs submitted for generation BM Units (i.e. the Indicated Generation), and the National Demand Forecast made by the System Operator.

The Margin pages show indicated margin data. The Indicated Margin forecast for each Settlement Period is the difference between the sum of the MELs submitted for that period, and the National Demand Forecast made by the System Operator. The greater the value, the higher the margin between available generation capacity and forecast demand - that is to say, the more spare capacity there is forecast to be in the system.

The System Warnings pages show system warnings.

The Wind Forecast pages show National Grid wind forecast data.

This summary information or data is indicative data only and is derived from balancing mechanism reporting service data (which is copyrighted by ELEXON Ltd who makes it available without warranty).