Bid Offer Profiles
This group of pages shows the profiles submitted by a BM Unit into the balancing mechanism which indicate their willingness and availability to participate in the balancing mechanism. The data includes FPN (Final Physical Notification; pre-gate generation),
QPN (Quiescent Physical Notification), MEL (Max Export Limit; availability),
MIL (Max Import Limit; import availability) and declared bid offer profiles.
The Latest page allows the
user to view the latest BM unit physical profile data for a single day or half hourly period.
The History page allows
the user to view a history of BM unit physical profile data for a single day or half hourly period.
The Download page allows the user
to download a file containing the latest BM unit physical profile data
for a date range.
This summary information or data is indicative data only and is derived from balancing mechanism reporting service data (which is copyrighted by ELEXON Ltd who makes it available without warranty).