This group of pages contains functions to view data CDCA-I030 files. The data represents metered volumes for all distribution systems connection points, interconnectors and inter-GSP group connections.
The EMP pages contain
the data from the CDCA-I030 file EMP records. The data represents aggregated interconnector metered
volumes across a GSP group. At the time of writing there were no such interconnectors resulting in no actual data to be downloaded, but these interconnectors could be added in the future.
The GMP pages contain
the data from the CDCA-I030 file GMP records. The data represents aggregated grid supply point metered
volumes at the GSPs in each GSP Group.
The IMP pages
contain the data from the CDCA-I030 file IMP records. The data represents aggregated inter GSP Group
connection metered volumes along a metered connection to another GSP Group.