This page is the base page for the energy account summary data section of the web site.
Use this page to view pages summarising BSC Party performance.
The Date Range page
displays a summary of energy account data for a BSC party for a range of settlement dates.
The Single Date page
displays a summary of all energy account data for all BSC parties for a settlement date. The
data can be sorted by different parameters to allow performance to be assessed.
The XLS by SD page
is used to generate an excel spreadsheet that contains energy account summary data for all
BSC parties for a month at settlement date resolution.
The XLS by SP page
is used to generate an excel spreadsheet that contains energy account data for all
BSC parties for a settlement date at settlement period resolution.
The Download page
is used to download a CSV file containing energy account data for anything from one to all
BSC parties for a date range at settlement period resolution.